No, we are not a school. We are a parent-led co-op under the legal umbrella of Vine & Branches Home Educators. Therefore, every family who joins Trinity Homeschool Group accepts equal responsibility for implementing and maintaining whatever is necessary for the health of the group, the safety of the children, and the educational needs of our co-op. We come along side of you to assist in your homeschool journey.
Do you offer extracurricular activities?
Parents and/or instructors may volunteer to offer their talents and skills for optional clubs (i.e. drama, dance, arts & crafts, sports). Fees will vary depending on the club offered to cover necessary supplies. Some clubs have no fee. 1. In order to offer clubs, we need parental oversight to assist the club volunteer, as well as help monitor the safety of our children.
2. Club hour is between 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. (Days vary based on the particular club.) Only students participating in a club will be allowed on premises after 3:00 p.m.We understand extenuating circumstances happen. Please contact your child's instructor if you are going to be late. If your child is still on property after 3:00 p.m., they will be required to go to club. Please understand that this is for their safety.
What does a typical day look like?
Trinity Homeschool Class Schedule {Tuesday/Thursday} For safety, please escort your child(ren) to class. *Remember, we are a homeschool group and not a school. Please be punctual and respectful of our instructor's time.
8:10-8:25am Arrival 8:30am Chapel Begins 9:00am Group Instruction Begins 11:20am Lunch K-2nd; 11:40am Recess 11:40am Lunch (3rd-5th); 12:00p Recess 12:00 pm Lunch (6th-8th); 12:20p Recess Group Instruction Resumes after each recess 3:00 pm Dismissal 3:00 pm-4:00pm Optional Club (when offered)
Why is your Facebook Page "closed?"
We value the safety of our children and families. Because of this, we try to maintain the privacy of the daily activities that occur within our group. Once you are a registered member, you will have access to the information on our Facebook page. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us, and we will happily assist you with any questions or concerns. We appreciate you understanding!
When does your group instruction begin?
For the 2024-2025, school year, we will begin Group Instruction on September 3rd, 2024. As the home educator, you are free to begin home instruction beforehand. Parents are responsible for making sure their child has 180 days of school (with 10 days of allowable absences). But, please don't worry! Between our co-op & Vine and Branches, we are here to help!
Can I enroll my child mid-term?
While we would prefer that students register prior to the new school year, we understand that "things happen." You may be transferring from another state. Or, perhaps your current situation isn't working out as planned. We recommend that you contact us to set up a time for the group coordinators to assess whether or not your child is able to be placed at this time.
What are the fees involved?
There is a monthly tuition fee of $275 per student that is paid to VBHE and is due by the first of each month. Please see below, and feel free to contact us for more specific details pertaining fees.
Are there any additional fees?
1. Every homeschool family is required by law to have a legal accountability. This is something mandated by the state. Every member of our co-op must show proof of membership with Vine & Branches Home Educators. Aside from providing a plethora of resources & legal covering, they also provide Trinity Homeschool Group with Liability insurance coverage at our facility, at no additional cost to the members. Please visit their website for information regarding their fees, as well as the invaluable resources that they offer.
2. Cost of books is the responsibility of each family. This is a normal/understood cost of any homeschooling family. However, as a member of our co-op, the cost of the teachers' manuals is a shared and accessible resource, which reduces costs you would normally incur if homeschooling on your own. Also, the group coordinators will help facilitate the list of books/supplies needed for each grade. Curriculum choices may change as determined by the co-op. A detailed book list will be provided each year for each grade. 3. Facility Fee: Our host church is a wonderful blessing. Although they welcome us with open arms, there is a cost to using a facility. To contribute to the cost of utilities and janitorial services used by our co-op, each family is responsible for a $225.00 fee for the year. This may be paid in one lump sum or in two installments of $112.50.
4. Classroom Supplies: Instructors need supplies to instruct our students. The cost of these supplies is not the financial responsibility of the instructors, but the parents'. One of the many benefits of the co-op is the combined resources and shared expense of materials.
5. A $150 non-refundable registration fee per child is due with the application. Early registration helps secure the necessary instructors and classroom assignments in a timely manner. We only have a select amount of space available.
Any additional needs by your tutor/instructor can be discussed on an as-needed basis, & is a discussion between you, the other parents in your child's class, & the tutor. Some examples may be special projects or field trips.
How do I register my child?
Please contact us via the "connect" page. Or, click on the "Registration" page for the application and please review our group guidelines page.
We would like to schedule a time for you and your child to shadow the classroom. This way, both your family and our instructors can assess if this is a good fit for everyone involved. Instructors are limited to the number of students they can accept, and placement is on a first-come, first-serve basis once the application has been reviewed and accepted by our coordinators. In the event that there are not enough students to offer a particular grade, your registration fee will be refunded.
I still have questions. Is there someone to assist me with them?
Absolutely! We would love to answer any questions that you may have. Please send a message via our "Connect" tab and someone will be contacting you within a few days.